God's Just Not PC

Her new Pledge, which she claims is more inclusive, now ends with, “one nation under your belief system.” Instead of one nation under God. Nice.
Hopefully the residents in Wheat Ridge wake up and make Margo Lucero’s tenure a short one. Here’s an idea, if you disagree with the pledge, remain silent. No one is forcing anyone to actually say the pledge. The idea that everyone needs to be sheltered, is not a decision that a school principal should be making.
In Other God News
Students at a college in Scotland have banned Bibles from resident halls because it might be offensive to non-Christian students. In addition to the ban, the students want all 6,000 Gideon bibles removed as well. I guess it’s ok to offend someone who might actually want to read the bible, or believe it’s teachings as a part of their faith. This proves once again that it’s ok to be anything you like, just so long as it’s not Christian.