STAR*BRIAN STAR*BRIAN: 05/01/2005 - 06/01/2005 *

Talking points on current events

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

A Racist Preschool?

Dallas, TX

A parent of a local preschooler is asking the preschool to change it's logo. Why? Because she insists the logo is racist because it's features a Caucasian child.

Leslie Moore, a teacher in McKinley, Texas, believes the logo (below) is sending the wrong message. She believes the logo implies that all other races are inferior to whites. Even though the school has printed bags and even letterhead with the logo, the leaders of the school say they will meet with Moore to discuss changing the logo.

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This is clearly another example of the "PC" movement going way out of control. Wasting a schools time, and money, because one parent feels a logo is implying a secret message is absurd. Time and money that could be spent on the actual kids attending.

It's time for people to grow up. Stop looking for hidden agendas to try and support your wacky views. I think it's more important to worry about the learning the kids are doing, than the logo out on the front lawn.

No word from Moore on whether the logo is also sexist. As it does feature a little girl....

Monday, May 16, 2005

Banning Free Speech

San Francisco's at it again.

The Board of supervisors has voted, and passed, a resolution banning comments that are insensitive to people based on their race, religion, color, ancestry, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, weight, height or place of birth.

While being a well intended move, this resolution is tip toeing very close to banning free speech. But some think the resolution isn't strong enough. Supervisor Michela Alioto-Pier wants training for city commissioners to help identify such inappropriate public speech.

There's no question the public, or private, comments regarding sex, race, sexual orientation, etc. is inappropriate and wrong. But to pass legislation banning forms of speech is over the top. People should be policing themselves, not having law makes decide what you can and cannot say.

This is a clear example that we go too far with laws. People who choose to make fun or put down people that are different from themselves, embarrass themselves. But the laws should be there to protect people's opinions and thoughts, not make us all into obedient robots.

Can I say that?!

Sunday, May 08, 2005


I found this flyer at a local laundry mat...

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I guess the loving, same sex, couple is only loving of a Caucasian baby! I'm glad that confidentiality is assured because this premise is absurd.

Why does it seem that the very people who cry for acceptance and tolerance are the one's most likely to be closed minded? This couple would probably be the first in line if gay marriage was available, but to complete their family, a white baby needs to do the trick. Total hypocrisy.

And in a related story

An Alternative High School in Tompkins County has allowed a "club" for minorities. Now what's wrong with that? Well, any white kids who want to participate are not allowed to. And to make matters worse, a girl decided to form her own "club" for her fellow white kids at the school. She wasn't allowed to, and was threatened with expulsion. Hmmm, for doing the same thing as the other classmates?

Tolerance is supposed to be accepting of one's beliefs without judgment. These two cases show we are a long way from true tolerance. In fact, most people seem to enjoy living in their hypocritical bubble.

Monday, May 02, 2005

What Now?

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So missing Bride to be, Jennifer Wilbanks, has turned up not missing. For her friends, family, and fiancé John Mason, they all must be wondering, “what now?”

Last week Wilbanks lied to her fiancé saying she was going for a jog. In fact, she was leaving with one of the biggest cases of cold feet. She then cut her hair, must have had to ignore the media covering the case, and eventually lied to police, saying she was kidnapped. In the end she left to avoid her lavish wedding that was supposed to take place this last Saturday.

Wasn’t there one friend or close family member that she could have turned to? How about her fiancé? I mean, this is supposed to be the person you want to spend the rest of your life with. She claims the wedding will go forward, I say, hold on to your receipts.

John Mason has a tough call to make. No one would blame him if he cuts his losses and leaves her. It takes a pretty strange person to plan an exit like that. He must be relieved, angry, and embarrassed. But he’s the least of Jennifer’s troubles.

Local prosecutors are looking into whether or not they will file charges against the “bride to be”. I say charge her. Law enforcement takes cases like this very seriously. DNA labs were checking her hair against the clump found while searching for her. And it’s estimated that the whole search has cost local tax payers some $100,000. She should pay that back.

For once it’s nice to see a missing person story that actually comes home alive. But there are consequences for actions. With all of the different forms of communication at our disposal, there is no excuse for freaking out and running away.

Her friends and family will never forget how it felt when they heard she was missing. And she shouldn’t forget to act like an adult.