Talking points on current events

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

"Hey Teach, F-YOU!"


In a bizarre move, school officials at a British secondary school have decided it's ok for students to use the F-word towards teachers.

What a F-ing fabulous idea. Students will be tracked on a blackboard and are only allowed to use the word five times in a day! If they go over, they get a talking to. No word on whether they can swear at the talking to.

The school hopes the move will help problems with behavior (yeah right). Parents, who were notified of the idea by letter, were quick to sound off at the looney idea. And good for them.

What students need is structure and discipline in the school setting, not more "freedoms" like swearing at teachers. Teachers have a hard enough time keeping classes in order. And people wonder why education seems to be getting harder and harder.

Hopefully parents and other school officials can nip this idea in the bud. Otherwise, it's going to be free reign on teachers and students will learn even less. And isn't that the point? Learning?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't believe they are allowing the students to swear like that. What is this world coming to? Next thing you know it will be ok for students to hit the teachers and destroy the schools more than they already do now. I'm glad I don't go to that school because all it is teaching the kids now is not to have any respect for authority figures. How is that going to help them when they get into the real world and find out they can't act like that?!

8:53 PM

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