PeTA's Not So Ethical Treatment
P.E.T.A., or People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, has a lot of explaining to do.
It seems that two counties in North Carolina will stop handing over animals from shelters to Peta. Officials were shocked to learn that between 2001 - 2003 Peta had killed more than 6,100 domestic animals. In fact, the cats and dogs were turned over to Peta to help find homes for them.
This is the same company that raises large amounts of money for awareness by using celebrities in their ads claiming things like, "I'd rather show my buns than wear fur." or, "I'd rather go naked than wear fur." They also encourage people not to eat meat, as it's hurtful to kill animals for food.
I guess house cats are fine. In fact, two of the employees are facing charges for dumping the dead animals bodies in a near by shopping mall dumpster.
It doesn't take much to see the total hypocrisy of this group. Maybe now they can stay out of people's lives and crawl back in the hole they came from. And maybe celebrities will think twice about a company that talks out of both sides of their mouths.
Here kitty, kitty.