Talking points on current events

Friday, March 18, 2005

So Sad

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it was announced today that the person of interest in the case of missing Florida girl Jessica Lunsford admitted to police that he killed her.

my heart goes out to this family. what a tragic time this must be.

John Couey, a registered sex offender, confessed to police after apparently doing poorly on a lie detector test.

this case underlines the fact that while our justice system usually works, in cases like this, it fails. there's no doubt that we have to accept that if a person serves their time, they deserve to be released. but, at what cost? Jessica would be alive today had there have been different measures in place to protect kids from sickos like Couey. i hope ALL states take a look at their books and come up with a better way of releasing a known sex offender.

God speed to you Jessica.






Anonymous Anonymous said...

and why didn't they post an amber alert. maybe the system needs to be changed about that as well. any news on how he got into the house? so many unanswered questions. did the neighborhood know he was a registered sex affender? aren't they supposed too. yes if the guy served time then i can understand i guess his release but what about continual protention for the people around him. the system really sucks sometimes

9:30 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

god. that pictures going to haunt me for days.

4:31 AM


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